About CMPA
Welcome to the new website for the Central Massachusetts Paralegal Association. The CMPA Board hopes to use this site as a portal to frequent communication with its members. We anticipate that the website will evolve over the coming months and the Board welcomes any thoughts, suggestions or ideas to make this site more helpful and user friendly to its members.
Please feel free to contact the Board to let us know what you would like to see on this site as we are seeking suggestions for added links. The Board is also seeking members willing to write articles for the site, notes about interesting changes to your practice areas, or simply to share news from your firm or company with other CMPA members. We appreciate and welcome all input. (admin@cmpa.net)
We hope that you will find here information that is useful to you in your roles as paralegals.
Special thanks for Tina Giakoumis for her help in organizing this website and to Travis McKenzie, our webmaster.
History & Purpose
The Central Massachusetts Paralegal Association, Inc. (CMPA) is a voluntary, not for profit, tax exempt association, formed in March of 1988 and incorporated in February of 1989.
The CMPA is a professional organization, established to contribute to the growth and advancement of the paralegal profession in Central Massachusetts. The CMPA strives to:
- Foster active communication among paralegals and to act as a forum for the interchange of ideas;
- Promote and expand the utilization of paralegals;
- Promote the educational and professional standards of the paralegal profession by conducting educational activities in the form of seminars, lectures and workshops, which will be open to the professional and public communities;
- Encourage and promote continuing legal education for paralegals; and
- Strengthen relations between paralegals and rest of the legal community.
The CMPA is governed by an elected Board of Directors, which includes a President, a Vice President who serves as the NFPA representative, a Treasurer, a Clerk, and elected committee chairs.